Poster Presentation ANZTS Trauma 2024 Conference

Crtico-Tracheal Separation after high-impact anterior neck trauma: Challenges of insidious symptoms despite threatened airway.  (21681)

Martin Larisch 1 , Basavaraj Mundasad 2 , Sanjay Karunaratne 2
  1. General Surgery, Hunter New England Area Health Services, Armidale, NSW, Australia
  2. General Surgery, Armidale Rural Referral Hospital , Armidale, NSW, Australia

Complete Cricotracheal Separation (CTS) is the most acute life-threatening form of laryngo-tracheal injury, typically caused by blunt anterior neck trauma. This case study highlights the challenges in managing CTS through the case of an 11-year-old male who sustained complete CTS from a high-speed "clothesline injury" during off-road motorbike riding. The patient, exhibiting severe respiratory distress, was swiftly transported to a rural hospital and managed initially with intubation and needle thoracotomy. He was later airlifted to a tertiary hospital, where imaging revealed extensive tracheal and thyroid injuries, leading to surgical intervention involving tracheostomy and cricotracheal reconstruction.

CTS incidence is estimated between 1:14,000 to 1:42,000 in adults, with even less accurate data for children. External neck trauma accounts for 0.5% of pediatric trauma admissions. The aetiology varies with age: in early childhood, domestic falls are common, while in adolescence, bicycle, motorbike, and sports accidents are prevalent. Trivial initial signs despite life-threatening injuries complicate CTS diagnosis, with one-third of patients remaining asymptomatic initially. Concurrent polytrauma can obscure CTS, leading to missed diagnoses and high mortality risk.

Due to the rarity of CTS, particularly in children, establishing a standard treatment pathway is challenging. Controversies exist regarding diagnostic modalities and initial management. Effective CTS management requires high clinical suspicion, early intervention, coordinated multidisciplinary care, and tailored reconstruction approaches. Enhanced awareness and case studies are crucial for refining strategies and improving outcomes for this complex pathology.
