Poster Presentation ANZTS Trauma 2024 Conference

Transferring knowledge and experience to a high turnover workforce, The Clinical Governance book (21193)

Robbie Ley Greaves 1 , Matthew O'Gorman 1 , Renee Bolot 1
  1. Brisbane Base, Lifeflight Retreival Medicine, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

The challenge for organisations with a high staff turnover to ensure consistent high quality care is not new. These challenges include trying to avoiding recurrent errors common in the learning phase of new staff.

We identified for our retrieval service, (Lifeflight Retrieval Medicine Queensland, Australia), over half of our medical officers and many other clinical and aviation staff turnover on a 6-12 month basis. Ensuring these staff have sufficient exposure to the previous clinical learning and expert experience available at weekly audit and teaching with clinical and roster commitments led to the inception of the Clinical Governance book. 

The Clinical Governance book aimed to consolidate a broad range of learning from expert advice from long serving medical and aviation staff, common themes from clinical audit and governance, key Standard Operating Procedures as well as in house audit and published evidence to help inform the reasoning for all of this advice. 

These learnings were split into themes of Self, Team, Communication, Aviation, Logistics & equipment and Clinical. Refreshingly most of these themes centre around human factors and communication. Importantly to make it easily accessible and digestible it was limited to key messages with quotes or evidence to explain the rationale. It was kept to 20 pages and available electronically to ensure it could be read opportunistically or referenced at any point.

We will present the process, development and learnings from making the book to allow this option for knowledge translation to be used by other organisations.